
The Blessing and Comfort of Mourning

    Sermon on the Mount- 2   TITLE: The Blessing and Comfort of Mourning TEXT: Matthew 5:4 TONE: Encouragement TARGET: Both TASK: To help both believers and unbelievers understand the true eternal blessings of the Kingdom God and to identify the characteristics of Kingdom citizens. TEACH: Picture a small town nestled in the hills -a place where everyone knows each other’s name and the rhythm of life is in harmony with the changing seasons. In the heart of the town, a family has just experienced a profound loss; they have lost their teenage daughter to a sudden illness. The atmosphere is thick with grief and the weight of sorrow is palpable.   As the news spreads, the town comes alive with quiet compassion. One by one, neighbors arrive at the family’s home, each bringing food, soft words, and shoulder to cry on. They don’t come with answers or explanations but with their presence and shared pain. They sit beside the family, holding their hands, we

Empty Vessels and Overflowing Grace

    Sermon On Mount- 1   TITLE: Empty Vessels and Overflowing Grace TEXT: Matthew 5:1-3 TONE: Encouragement TARGET: Believers TASK: To encourage my hearers to realize the rich blessings of spiritual poverty. TEACH: Imagine two cups placed on a table side by side. One cup is filled with water, while the other is empty. Now, if you were to pour a jug of water over both cups: (1) For the full cup, any additional water poured will overflow and spill out, making no significant impact as the cup cannot hold anymore. (2) For the empty cup, however, it eagerly receives the new water, filling up and holding it perfectly within its capacity.   In this illustration, the jug represents God’s grace, the full cup represents a self-sufficient person or full of pride and achievements, and the empty cup represents someone poor in spirit, fully aware of their need for God’s grace. When we are “full” of our self-worth, achievements, or spiritual pride, we leave no

Together As One

  Abide-16   TITLE: Together As One TEXT: John 17:20-26 TONE: Encouragement TARGET: Believers TASK: To exhort believers to unite as one for the cause of Christ. TEACH: I have never seen the majestic redwood forest, but I have heard about its beauty. These trees are some of the tallest living things on the planet, stretching up 350 feet high. Their great height and enormous strength are awe-inspiring. But have you ever wondered why these towering trees, which live for over 2,000 years, rarely fall despite their shallow root systems?   The secret lies in their roots ( show picture ) Instead of going deep, redwood roots spread out wide and intertwine with roots of other redwoods. By entwining like this, they create a network of roots that hold each tree up. They grow in close proximity, and their interlocked roots make them incredibly stable, helping them withstand strong winds and floods. Their unity in the underground network is the very reason