
Showing posts from August, 2024

Harmony From Heaven

      TITLE: Harmony From Heaven TEXT: Matthew 5:8 TONE: Encouragement TARGET: Believers TASK: To encourage believers to be biblical peacemakers. TEACH: King Hezekiah of Judah ruled Jerusalem during turbulent times when mighty Assyria, under King Sennacherib, sought to expand its empire through conquest and military might. Sennacherib, know for his ruthless and ambition, waged war across the region, capturing fortresses and imposing war across the region, capturing fortresses and imposing fear. When he set his sights on Jerusalem, Hezekiah, despite being a devout and faithful leader, found his kingdom under siege. Unlike his adversary, Hezekiah did not desire war; he sought divine guidance and peace in the face of such overwhelming aggression. Faced with insurmountable odds, Hezekiah prayed fervently to God, hoping to save his people without bloodshed.   The outcome of this dramatic encounter revealed the power of faith and the e...

Guardians of the Heart

    Sermon on the Mount- 6   TITLE: Guardians of the Heart TEXT: Matthew 5:8 TONE: Encouragement TARGET: Believers TASK: To help believers understand and practice purity of heart. TEACH: King Josiah (2Kings 22) was 8 years old when he began to reign. The Bible says, “he did what was right in eyes of the Lord…and he did not turn aside to the right our to the left.” At the age of 16, he began seeking the Lord. He demonstrated faithfulness by making repairs to the Temple. When he turned 20 he began purging Jerusalem of all the high places because previous generations had disregarded the law. During the repairs on the Temple the book of the law was found and brough to Josiah. Upon reading the law, he tore his clothes and grieved over the magnitude of Israel’s sin. He recognized that judgment was inevitable, therefore, he led the nation to reform their ways and renounce their idols. He demonstrates the essential nature of a pure heart.   TRUTH: Heart...

The Triumph of Mercy

    Sermon On the Mount- 5   TITLE: The Triumph of Mercy TEXT: Matthew 5:7 TONE: Encouragement TARGET: Believers TASK: To encourage believers to reflect the mercy of God in their daily interactions. TEACH: Mrs. Thompson arrived at her charming little home, only to discover a young man lingering in her yard, looking uneasy, she approached him kindly and struck up a conversation. During their chat, she learned that he was struggling and felt lost, grappling with the burdens of life. With a gentle and understanding heart, Mrs. Thompson invited him to her local church that was having revival services that week, hoping to offer him some solace and direction. He chose to attend with her. As the sermon was preached, it touched him to the core, and he trusted in Christ for his salvation. Afterward, the young man, filled with remorse, confessed he had been in her home and stolen a neckless. Mrs. Thompson spoke to him of mercy and second changes, c...