Harmony From Heaven

TITLE: Harmony From Heaven TEXT: Matthew 5:8 TONE: Encouragement TARGET: Believers TASK: To encourage believers to be biblical peacemakers. TEACH: King Hezekiah of Judah ruled Jerusalem during turbulent times when mighty Assyria, under King Sennacherib, sought to expand its empire through conquest and military might. Sennacherib, know for his ruthless and ambition, waged war across the region, capturing fortresses and imposing war across the region, capturing fortresses and imposing fear. When he set his sights on Jerusalem, Hezekiah, despite being a devout and faithful leader, found his kingdom under siege. Unlike his adversary, Hezekiah did not desire war; he sought divine guidance and peace in the face of such overwhelming aggression. Faced with insurmountable odds, Hezekiah prayed fervently to God, hoping to save his people without bloodshed. The outcome of this dramatic encounter revealed the power of faith and the e...