Man’s Anger and God’s Displeasure
Sermon on the Mount- 11 TITLE: Man’s Anger and God’s Displeasure TEXT: Matthew 5:21-26 TONE: Warning TARGET: Self-Righteous TASK: To warn my hearers of the danger of trusting in the Law for righteousness. TEACH: Cain and Abel were the Sons of Adam and Eve. In Genesis 4:3-8, each make offerings to God. Abel’s offering is accepted, but Cain’s is not. The reason being, Abel brought to God a better offering than Cain did. By faith he was commended as righteous. This suggests that Cain’s offering was insincere and not offered in faith. Cain becomes angry and downcast. God warns Cain about managing his anger, but Cain doesn’t listen. In a fit of rage, he kills his brother Abel. Cain’s self-righteous anger leads to the first murder, demonstrating how unchecked anger can result in devastating consequences. TRUTH: This is the first of six examples which our Lord gives of His interpretation of the Law of God over and agai...