The Glorious Gift of Redemption

TITLE: The Glorious Gift of Redemption TEXT: John 3:16-17 TONE: Encouragement TARGET: Unbelievers TASK: To warn and encourage the lost to receive redemption found only in Christ. TEACH: Testimony of the Jeremiah House. TRUTH: I. The Definition of Redemption Redemption: To redeem someone or something is to reclaim or buy back the person, animal, land, or nation (e.g., Israel). Generally, there is a price that must be paid to redeem when it comes to person-to-person acts of redemption. One can be a (kinsman) redeemer, [1] ATONEMENT: Think about it as at-one-ment . The OT Exodus is perhaps one of the best pictures we have of redemption. II. The Source of Redemption The source of redemption is none other than the free sovereign love of God. Paul wrote, “God commended His own love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” -Romans 5:8. It is centered in God, He is the God...