Valley of Decision - Promises for the Repentant
TITLE: Promises for the Repentant TEXT: Joel 2:18-32 TONE: Encouragement TARGET: Believers TASK: To encourage believers concerning the promises of God for the repentant. TEACH: As there is a curse wrapped up in the best things God gives the wicked; so there is a blessing wrapped up in the worst things He brings upon His own. As there is a curse wrapped up in the wicked man’s, so there is a blessing wrapped up in a godly man’s sickness. As there is a curse wrapped up in the wicked man’s strength, so there is blessing wrapped up in a godly man’s weakness. As there is a curse wrapped up in a wicked man’s wealth, so there is a blessing wrapped up in a godly man’s wants. As there is curse wrapped up in a wicked man’s honor, so there is a blessing wrapped up in a godly man’s reproach. TRUTH: We are intended to assume that Joel’s appeals preserved in the preceding part of the book were successful. Evidently the people did gather to a national service of...