
Showing posts from January, 2024

The Blessings of Holy Communion

  The Blessings of Holy Communion Luke 22:19-20   I. Communion causes us to remember and reflect upon Christ's Sacrifice. A.    Communion allows us to remember the foundational truth of Christianity: Christ's sacrificial death on the cross for our sins . Jesus Himself established this powerful symbol during His Last Supper, instructing us to partake of the bread and the cup in remembrance of Him (Luke 22:19-20).   B.     Through the elements of bread and wine (or grape juice), we reflect on the broken body and shed blood of Jesus, acknowledging the immense love and grace that compelled Him to lay down His life for us (1 Corinthians 11:23-26).   C.     As we partake, let us humble ourselves before God, examining our hearts and confessing any sins or areas where we need His forgiveness and restoration. Communion is a time of repentance and renewal, reminding us of the lengths God went to reconc...

Seek Me and Live: Amos: Hear the Lion Roar (Preached 01/28/2024)

  Seek Me and Live: Amos-1   TITLE: Hear the Lion Roar TEXT: Amos 1:1-2:16 TONE: Warning TARGET: All TASK: To warn all concerning God’s judgment against sin. TEACH: During the dark days of WWII Walter Luthi of Basel preached a series of sermons from the book of Amos which were translated into English and published in London in 1940 under the title “In the Time of the Earthquake.” Luthi began his book by saying, “It is earthquake time again.” Later he said, “Amos spoke God’s word to earthquake men….in all places and to all time.”   Such words suggest the relevancy of the book of Amos to our time or to any time. Amos lived in the time of the earthquake, just as the Northern Kingdom of Israel was coming to a close. Amos appeared to understand where others failed. He saw the link between the earthquake and the Northern Kingdom coming to a close. It was during this time, Amos heard the Lions roar of God’s wrath and the ominous creaking ...

Seek Me and Live: Hear the Lion Roar (Sermon)

  Seek Me and Live: Amos-1   TITLE: Hear the Lion Roar TEXT: Amos 1:1-2:16 TONE: Warning TARGET: All TASK: To warn all concerning God’s judgment against sin. TEACH: During the dark days of WWII Walter Luthi of Basel preached a series of sermons from the book of Amos which were translated into English and published in London in 1940 under the title “In the Time of the Earthquake.” Luthi began his book by saying, “It is earthquake time again.” Later he said, “Amos spoke God’s word to earthquake men….in all places and to all time.”   Such words suggest the relevancy of the book of Amos to our time or to any time. Amos lived in the time of the earthquake, just as the Northern Kingdom of Israel was coming to a close. Amos appeared to understand where others failed. He saw the link between the earthquake and the Northern Kingdom coming to a close. It was during this time, Amos heard the Lions roar of God’s wrath and the ominous creaking ...