Up From the Grave He Arose!



Passion- 6


TITLE: Up From the Grave He Arose!

TEXT: John 20

TONE: Celebration

TARGET: Believers

TASK: To explain the nature, power, and imperative of the resurrection.

TEACH: Some of you here may remember Charlie Chaplin, a British comedian who made a bog name for himself decades agon in the days of silent movies. He dies in December 1977 at the age of 88 and was buried in a cemetery in Switzerland. However, just two months later, his body was missing from the grave. Various rumors began to circulate about the missing body. One Hollywood report suggest that it had been dug up because of Charlie Chaplin was a Jew buried in a gentile cemetery. 


The truth about the missing body was revealed only 11 weeks later. It had been stolen by a two mechanics who demanded a ransom of 400,000 pounds for its return. The Chaplin family refused to pay the ransom and had kept silent about the matter as the Swiss police conducted investigations to find the grave-robbers and the missing body. The culprits were finally caught and convicted after 11 weeks. The body of Charlie Chaplin was recovered near Lake Geneva and re-buried under 1.8 meters of concreate to prevent it from being stolen again.


TRUTH: This morning we will consider another instance of a body that was mission from its grave. But this time, it was because the body had been stolen by grave-robbers, but because it was the body of Jesus Christ, who had resurrected from the dead.


It was about 6:00 am on a Sunday morning in April of the year AD 30. Jesus had died on the cross 39 hours before this, and His dead body had been laid to rest in a garden tomb, all wrapped up in linen and coated with spices. A group of women who had witnessed all this were now making their way to that tomb on that Sunday morning, to complete the embalming of His body with more spices. Along the way they wondered how they would get inside the tomb, knowing that tis entrance was covered with a very large stone. But when they reached the tomb, these women recovered the shock of their lives. The tomb’s entrance was already open and the body was missing.


One of these women was Mary Magdalene, whose life had been gloriously saved and transformed by the Lord Jesus. Since the day that Jesus freed her from the ministry of demon possession, she had been Hos devoted follower, serving Him and His disciple wherever they  went. How grieved she must have been to have seen her master arrested. How earnestly, she must have wanted to see Him again.


I. Resurrection of Jesus was Revealed (John 20:1-10)

A. Mary Magdalene discovers the empty tomb (v. 1-2)

B. Peter and John investigate the tomb (v. 3-10)

C. There are two facts I want to make clear. First, there are numerous ancient sources that provide valuable historical evidence for His existence and ministry of Jesus. He was a real historical figure. I will provide a few non-Christian sources:


1. Josephus: a Jewish historian, writing in the first century, mentions Jesus in his work “Antiquities of the Jews.” Although there are some debates about the authenticity of specific passages, the consensus among scholars is that Josephus did mention Jesus.2. Tacitus: Was a  Roman historian who mentioned Jesus in his work “Annals,” written around 116 AD. Tacitus refers to Jesus as being executed during the reign of Emperor Tiberius under Pontius Pilate.

3. Pliny the Younger: A Roman governor, who wrote to Emperor Trajan around 112 AD seeking advice on how to deal with Christians. This letter corroborates the historical existence of Jesus and the early Christian movement.


D. Historical proof of the resurrection.


1.Empty Tomb: All the Gospel writers account that the tomb was found empty. 2.Post-Resurrection Appearances: The Gospels record numerous appearances of Jesus to His disciples and various individuals after His resurrection. They ate with Him and interacted in physical form.  3. Transformation of the Disciples: The dramatic transformation of Jesus’ disciples following His resurrection is a compelling piece of evidence. The fearful and disillusioned disciples became bold witnesses who were willing to suffer persecution and martyrdom for their belief in the risen Jesus.


II. Resurrection of Jesus can be Experienced (John 20:11-18)

A. Mary Magdalene encounters Jesus in the garden (v. 11-16)

B. Jesus reveals Himself to Mary (v. 17-18)

C. Peter experienced this power at Pentecost. Paul experienced this power on the road to Damascus. As a matter, every person who has ever been saved has experienced this power.


Through Faith: For everyone the matter of experiencing is a matter of faith. When we believe in the Person of Christ we experience the power of the resurrection. When we claim the Promises of Christ we experience the power of the resurrection. When we participate in the Mission of Christ we experienced the power of the resurrection. 2. Through Personal Transformation: This consist of spiritual growth and maturity in the faith. 3. Through Community and Fellowship: His presence is felt in the community of believers, known as the body of Christ. As we worship and serve together. 4. Through Compassion and Service: When we reach out the marginalized, care for the poor, advocate for the oppressed, and work for reconciliation and peace. As we embrace His mission, we can trust in His presence. 5. Through Spiritual Practices: Meditation, contemplation, prayer, fasting, communion etc..


III. Resurrection of Jesus came with a Commission (John 20:19-23)

A. Jesus appears to the disciples and commissions them to continue His mission (v. 19-21)

B. Jesus imparts the Holy Spirit for empowerment in ministry (v. 22-23)

C. Jesus has commissioned us all. We see this clearly in Matthew 28:19-20. Jesus said, “Go” (verb) and “make disciples” (verb phrase) are the main actions commanded by Jesus. The word ‘go’ is an imperative verb telling the disciples to take action. “Make disciples” is a verb phrase that describes the purpose of going (the primary mandate). 


The phrase “of all nations” functions as a prepositional phrase that specifies the scope of the disciple’s mission. It clarifies that their disciple-making efforts are to extend to all people groups. The phrase “baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit” is an additional explanation of how disciples are to be made. It describes the act of baptism as a symbol of initiation into the Christian faith and the Trinitarian nature of God.


The phrase “teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you” explains the ongoing work of discipleship. Teaching is a continuous action, and the content of teaching is the commandments and teachings of Jesus. The closing phrase, “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age,” provides reassurance and comfort to the disciples.


V. Resurrection of Jesus demands Faith (John 20:24-29)

A. Thomas doubts the resurrection until he encounters Jesus (v. 24-25)

B. Jesus appears to Thomas and affirms his faith (v. 26-29)

C. The Christian faith is a factual faith. Jesus really did exist and the tomb was really empty. Through the resurrection we learn several important theological truths.


·  The resurrection means that Jesus was declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the Spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead (Romans 1:4).

·  The resurrection means that we have assurance of our own resurrection: for if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus (1Thess.4:14)· 

·   The resurrection means that God has an eternal plan for these bodies of ours. “There was nothing in the teaching of Jesus approaching the Gnostic heresy that declared that the flesh is inherently evil. Plato could only get rid of sin by getting rid of the body. Jesus retains the body; and declares that God feeds the body as well as the soul, that the body is as sacred thing as the soul, since the soul makes it its sanctuary.” (Morgan)

·  The resurrection means that Jesus has a continuing ministry: He is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He ever lives to make intercession for them (Hebrews 7:25).

·  The resurrection proves that though it looked like Jesus died on the cross as a common criminal He actually died as a sinless man, out of love and self-sacrifice to bear the guilt of our sin. The death of Jesus on the cross was the payment, but the resurrection was the receipt, showing that the payment was perfect in the sight of God the Father.


TIE-UP: The grave is empty and the body exalted to right hand of God. 


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