Foundations of Faith
Sermon on the Mount- 20
TITLE: Foundations of Faith
TEXT: Matthew 7:13-27
TONE: Somber
TASK: To exhort my listeners to choose wisely, discern diligently, profess truly, and build securely upon the foundations of faith.
TEACH: As a teenager, I spent a memorable summer working for a concrete company that built bridges in the Kiamichi Mountains of southeastern Oklahoma. It was quite unlike any other job I've had. We lived a rugged life, sleeping in tents by the creek and using it as our makeshift bath after long days of hard work. Our days began with preparing the ground—digging and removing dirt and rocks to create a proper foundation. This task taught us precision and patience, laying the groundwork for everything that would follow.
We used rebar and metal ties to construct a sturdy framework, which was crucial for the strength and stability of the bridges. Working with these materials under the hot sun, I realized the importance of building on a solid foundation, not just in construction but in life itself. Pouring the concrete was the final step—a moment of transformation where our efforts began to take shape as something lasting and functional. The process was a lesson in teamwork and persistence, showing the value of thorough preparation.
That summer, beyond teaching me the technical aspects of construction, highlighted the importance of sure foundations in all areas of life. Whether in relationships, career paths, or personal goals, having a solid base is essential for anything to stand strong over time.
The experience left a lasting impression, reminding me that just like those bridges in the mountains, life is best built on stable and well-prepared foundations.
I. Two Paths: Choose Wisely (7:13-14)
Explanation: a). The Narrow Path- Jesus said, “enter by the narrow gate.” The emphasis is upon a life of commitment, self-denial, and sacrifice.
b). The Wide Way – “The gate is wide and the way is easy.” This highlights how this path leads to destruction, underscoring the danger of following the crowd. The point being that worldly allurements lead to spiritual ruin.
II. Two Prophets: Discern Diligently (7:15-20)
Explanation: a). False Prophets- “Beware of false prophets, who come in sheep’s clothing.” Clearly, we see the need for spiritual discernment. Spiritual caution helps protect against deception.
b). Fruitful Tests: “You will recognize them by their fruits.” Here the emphasis is upon evaluation of teaching and ethic. Spiritual authenticity is evidenced by godly fruit.
III. Two Pledges: Profess Truly (7:21-23)
Explanation: a). Empty Professions- “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven.” Here we clearly see the dangers of lip service without heart service. Genuine faith is demonstrated in obedience.
b). Divine Dismissal- “I never knew you depart from me.” The sobering reality of self-deception is heartbreaking. A true relationship with Christ rests in knowing and being known by Him.
IV. Two Platforms: Build Securely (7:24-27)
Explanation: a). Wise Construction- “Like a wise man who built his house on the rock.” We are to put the words of Jesus into practice. Spiritual security is built on obedience to God’s Word.
b). Foolish Foundations: “Like a foolish man who built his house on the sand.” Ignoring God’s guidance produces instability and inevitably collapse.
TAKE-AWAY: I hope each of us is willing to evaluate our lives and look at the foundation. Have you entered narrow gate? Are you practicing proper discernment? Is your profession of faith accompanied with obedience born of the Spirit? Is your life built upon the solid rock who is Christ?
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